Teach Like a Pirate Chapter 16: The Awkward Question

This chapter is the first in Part 3: Building a Better Pirate and begins with a simple question.
Do you want to be great?

I do! But it seems some of us are afraid to verbalize that. I have been on teams before where if you did anything differently than the way it had always been done then you were told that you were trying to make the rest of the team look bad.

 Dave Burgess says,
 "Your greatness in the classroom doesn't negatively impact or inhibit anyone else's opportunity to be great." 

I love that quote. I'm a highly competitive person and the person I compete most with is myself! There is always a long list of things I want to change for the next school year. Every year I strive be better.

Laura from Peace, Love and First Grade is the host of this chapter. Be sure to read what she's posted!

Peace, Love, & First Grade

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer I love your honesty about being competitive and how you use that to constantly want to improve as a teacher. I don't consider myself a competitive person but I share your desire to grow.

    Great Burgess quote- I need to frame that :)

    2 Smart Wenches
